Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
What is Photon Belt?
reference article
By means of satellite instrumentation, astronomers in 1961 discovered what appeared to be an unusual nebula. We normally understand the nebula phenomenon as a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust. However, this one appeared to have anomalous properties and was named the Golden Nebula. The public's attention was not drawn to this unusual revelation until much later, presumably when it was realized that this nebula's location was coincident with the projected orbit of our solar system. Around the early 1980s a radio announcement in the U.S. was made (heard by the author) that our solar system was, in fact, going to collide with an "electromagnetic cloud" in the not too distant future.
However, this incredibly important statement of astronomical and historical significance was expressed in the usual casual and indifferent manner as though of little consequence -- just as was, about that time, the announcement that the FDIC (bank-depositor's insurance) was penniless! Follow-up data was then suppressed and another government cover-up was contrived.
What is this electromagnetic cloud, this golden nebula, sometimes referred to as the radiant nebula by ETs? Its more universal designation is "photon belt", consisting of many bands, and any encounter with this belt is recognized by extraterrestrials as of great import.
Let us outline the mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar system with the photon belt. The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy--with their associated electromagnetic fields--like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's spacetime topology of general relativity).
These spiralling energies give rise to natural spacetime orbits: satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex centers, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years [26,000 years].There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are numerous planets orbiting the Sun).
The Pleiades, about 400 light years from us is part of this system and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone; the photon belt encircles the Pleiades system. In fact it consists of many photon bands emanating from the centre of the galaxy, associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.
Thus our solar system, and therefore planet Earth, takes some 24,000 years to come back to its same point in this particular orbit. Picture several star systems in a massive orbit, but now envisage overall a toroid or doughnut-shaped cloud cutting across these orbiting star systems. This is the photon belt, or a photon band. This means our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 24,000 years (that is, every half cycle). The thickness of the photon cloud is such that it takes about 2000 years for our solar system to pass through, and therefore about 10,000 years between each encounter with this belt (2 x 10,000 plus 2 x 2000 = 24,000 years).
When will this occur? Scientists around the globe in 1992 predicted that the encounter would occur within months to a year; with significant disagreements. However, a particular source of Pleiadian extraterrestrials indicated that it would not occur until just after 2010 and that it was difficult to predict since the belt was oscillating randomly. There are in fact huge discrepancies in channeled material regarding the date of this revelatory occurrence, ranging from 1987 to 'definitely before the end of this century' to 2003 and finally about 2011-2012.
By means of satellite instrumentation, astronomers in 1961 discovered what appeared to be an unusual nebula. We normally understand the nebula phenomenon as a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust. However, this one appeared to have anomalous properties and was named the Golden Nebula. The public's attention was not drawn to this unusual revelation until much later, presumably when it was realized that this nebula's location was coincident with the projected orbit of our solar system. Around the early 1980s a radio announcement in the U.S. was made (heard by the author) that our solar system was, in fact, going to collide with an "electromagnetic cloud" in the not too distant future.
However, this incredibly important statement of astronomical and historical significance was expressed in the usual casual and indifferent manner as though of little consequence -- just as was, about that time, the announcement that the FDIC (bank-depositor's insurance) was penniless! Follow-up data was then suppressed and another government cover-up was contrived.
What is this electromagnetic cloud, this golden nebula, sometimes referred to as the radiant nebula by ETs? Its more universal designation is "photon belt", consisting of many bands, and any encounter with this belt is recognized by extraterrestrials as of great import.
Let us outline the mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar system with the photon belt. The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy--with their associated electromagnetic fields--like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's spacetime topology of general relativity).
These spiralling energies give rise to natural spacetime orbits: satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex centers, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years [26,000 years].There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are numerous planets orbiting the Sun).
The Pleiades, about 400 light years from us is part of this system and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone; the photon belt encircles the Pleiades system. In fact it consists of many photon bands emanating from the centre of the galaxy, associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.
Thus our solar system, and therefore planet Earth, takes some 24,000 years to come back to its same point in this particular orbit. Picture several star systems in a massive orbit, but now envisage overall a toroid or doughnut-shaped cloud cutting across these orbiting star systems. This is the photon belt, or a photon band. This means our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 24,000 years (that is, every half cycle). The thickness of the photon cloud is such that it takes about 2000 years for our solar system to pass through, and therefore about 10,000 years between each encounter with this belt (2 x 10,000 plus 2 x 2000 = 24,000 years).
When will this occur? Scientists around the globe in 1992 predicted that the encounter would occur within months to a year; with significant disagreements. However, a particular source of Pleiadian extraterrestrials indicated that it would not occur until just after 2010 and that it was difficult to predict since the belt was oscillating randomly. There are in fact huge discrepancies in channeled material regarding the date of this revelatory occurrence, ranging from 1987 to 'definitely before the end of this century' to 2003 and finally about 2011-2012.
Other Pleiadians tell us that our solar system skimmed the belt for a few days in 1987, then over a week in the following year, and then the Sun went in fully in 1998. However, the information indicates that Earth does not enter fully until 2012. At the present time we are being informed that the Earth is in the belt (for the period December, 1998 and June, 1999).
What does the photon belt consist of? What will be its effects on the life on our planet, positive or negative? Also what is its purpose, if any? The radio announcement used the term "electromagnetic" to describe the phenomenon -- this is the same as photon, which is a particle of light or electromagnetic radiation.
The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of "dangerous" radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet. Nevertheless it appears that for mankind on this planet the photon belt encounter will be essentially a spiritual experience--but this really depends on man. If we are sufficiently evolved at the time, great advancements will occur in our consciousness as we attune to the high-frequency photon rays. If we are negative, that is, possess too many lower vibrations, the result of selfish actions, we are not expected to survive the radiation. In other words, there will be a natural spiritual selection.
This interaction with the photon belt has been referred to in channeling as the Christus. Moreover, the event is supposed to be the true nature of the ascension or rapture, well known in the prophecies of Christianity.
Other spectacular effects, some of a temporary nature, are expected as our Sun system moves into the belt. Earth is circling the Sun, thus it is alternatively ahead of the Sun and behind in its linear translation towards the belt. Consequently, either the Sun or our planet may enter first. It is impossible to predict which, since, as stated, the photon belt is expanding and contracting randomly. If the Sun reaches the photon cloud before Earth it has been channelled that darkness will ensue for about three to five days (obviously this didn't occur if we have been entering and exiting the belt since 1987). It will be expected to be pitch dark with probable cancellation of electrical power sources. However, if Earth goes in first then the darkness is avoided.
We were told by one source of ETs that as our planet enters the bands, which will be at a relatively high velocity, we will experience an immediate electric shock, lasting about one tenth of a second, but not dangerous. But of greater concern are said to be the effects of the intense photon activity on the radiation belt around Earth and the sudden compression of the atmosphere and expansion, which is expected to be such that the radiation belt could "ignite". This intense light is expected to last three days. Another spectacular feature will be the effect of the intense photon activity on matter. High excitation of atoms will occur, causing fluorescence of all objects, and as a result there will be no normal night time for 2000 years.
In 1992, many people were purchasing dark goggles; what was this all about? After the original announcement on the radio of the oncoming electromagnetic cloud collision, further information was withheld by the government, then disinformation took over. As mentioned, scientists in different parts of the world were predicting the moment of full encounter with the belt in around 1992--there were discrepancies but all were within months or about a year of one another.
What does the photon belt consist of? What will be its effects on the life on our planet, positive or negative? Also what is its purpose, if any? The radio announcement used the term "electromagnetic" to describe the phenomenon -- this is the same as photon, which is a particle of light or electromagnetic radiation.
The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of "dangerous" radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet. Nevertheless it appears that for mankind on this planet the photon belt encounter will be essentially a spiritual experience--but this really depends on man. If we are sufficiently evolved at the time, great advancements will occur in our consciousness as we attune to the high-frequency photon rays. If we are negative, that is, possess too many lower vibrations, the result of selfish actions, we are not expected to survive the radiation. In other words, there will be a natural spiritual selection.
This interaction with the photon belt has been referred to in channeling as the Christus. Moreover, the event is supposed to be the true nature of the ascension or rapture, well known in the prophecies of Christianity.
Other spectacular effects, some of a temporary nature, are expected as our Sun system moves into the belt. Earth is circling the Sun, thus it is alternatively ahead of the Sun and behind in its linear translation towards the belt. Consequently, either the Sun or our planet may enter first. It is impossible to predict which, since, as stated, the photon belt is expanding and contracting randomly. If the Sun reaches the photon cloud before Earth it has been channelled that darkness will ensue for about three to five days (obviously this didn't occur if we have been entering and exiting the belt since 1987). It will be expected to be pitch dark with probable cancellation of electrical power sources. However, if Earth goes in first then the darkness is avoided.
We were told by one source of ETs that as our planet enters the bands, which will be at a relatively high velocity, we will experience an immediate electric shock, lasting about one tenth of a second, but not dangerous. But of greater concern are said to be the effects of the intense photon activity on the radiation belt around Earth and the sudden compression of the atmosphere and expansion, which is expected to be such that the radiation belt could "ignite". This intense light is expected to last three days. Another spectacular feature will be the effect of the intense photon activity on matter. High excitation of atoms will occur, causing fluorescence of all objects, and as a result there will be no normal night time for 2000 years.
In 1992, many people were purchasing dark goggles; what was this all about? After the original announcement on the radio of the oncoming electromagnetic cloud collision, further information was withheld by the government, then disinformation took over. As mentioned, scientists in different parts of the world were predicting the moment of full encounter with the belt in around 1992--there were discrepancies but all were within months or about a year of one another.
According to the Phoenix Liberator (now called 'Contact')--a small but very significant newspaper protected by the Pleiadian group -- the One-World Government planned to ignite the radiation belt and blame it on the natural event, the Earth/photon-belt collision. Special weapons were developed, but all efforts to achieve this heinous act failed. The purpose? The usual one: to create sufficient havoc, introduce martial law and establish the New World Order.
Published in the Phoenix Liberator was an article sent in by a teenager unknown to his parents who worked for the secret government on these weapons (and who subscribed to the newspaper). The youngster knew about the photon belt and the threat of blindness, and his parents made him carry at all times the protective goggles and keep them by his bedside when asleep.
The photon-belt encounter will play a significant role in the (biblical) Transformation of man. The term "Christus" apparently expresses the Second Coming of Christ. (Christ is a state of being/consciousness--some ETs refer to it as the "Christ office". Jesus was the Christ in that he could attune to this state.) There will be a rebirthing of planet Earth. We are told it will divide; each part retaining wholeness though, producing a 3rd density (frequency density) Earth and a 4th density Earth. This will not be perceived physically; the planets will be in different dimensions. One will be in a parallel universe relative to the other.
(Note that serious books on physics cover parallel-universe theories -- there is nothing particular weird or new about this. It has been channelled that we sometimes move into parallel-universe planes and back, which are usually virtually identical. A further example is that an advanced civilization exists in the center of the Earth but this particular civilization is in a parallel plane which is reached by entering "electromagnetic" corridors near the openings at the poles and certain other regions.) Possibly the only sad event will be that some families will be split up by the natural spiritual selection of the photon-belt encounter. Some individuals will go with the more evolved Earth, referred to as 4th density, and others with the 3rd density Earth, which could permanently separate their evolution by several thousands of years (in rare instances one person taking the more evolved path may suspend progress to wait for the other).
Now the photon-belt cycle is synchronised with the end of a number of greater cycles, for example, 225 million year Great Cycle of our galaxy through the universe, the 26,000 year cycle of our solar system through the galaxy, and 104,000 years (a prominent evolutionary peak of four cycles of 26,000 years), culminating in a harmonic convergence at about the time of the encounter, 2012. It is also recognized that this point in time coincides with the universe reaching its maximum point of expansion. Synchronization of such nodes would be expected to open up the dimensional strata for the influx of new energy and the subsequent changes. [See "2010-2012 Big Shift Unveiled" - CR]
The photon cloud has a high density of electrons and positrons (positive, anti-electrons). When an electron and a positron collide they are annihilated and the mass is converted into energy radiation--photons. However, the presence of these positrons have been predicted to interfere with electricity, which is due to the flow of electrons. It has been indicated that before this event occurs it would be possible to redesign the present polarity system, giving a reversal of our polarity to compensate for this problem (we haven't noticed any effect yet!).
However, the photon energy as a result of the collision of electrons and positrons will become a major source of free energy (and at this time the NWO will be unable to suppress its use). Psychological characteristics of entering the belt are the effect of uprooting hidden, secret, or withheld material, bringing it to the surface for transmutation. This means psychological and physical disease patterns will be forced to the surface, that is, the conscious mind. This will give tremendous opportunity to make advancements but also where there is too much to handle will cause illness, depressions, disease and death.
According to channelled information, the Galactic Federation will be aiding our transition during this photon-belt event. It is stated that they altered (years ago) the basic polarity of the Sun to allow it to maintain the integrity of the Sun's planetary system. However, at a later time NASA's space probe Ulysses detected that the magnetic field of the Sun now no longer has a north and south pole! The Sun's magnetic field was found to have changed dramatically into a homogeneous field. No scientific explanation was given, and of course it has been withheld from the public. Furthermore, the SOHO satellite more recently revealed that the Sun responded abnormally to the impact of cosmic bodies causing an eruption of some 30 to 35 solar flares, which is unprecedented.The photon-belt encounter is intended to be a positive experience, but only man with sufficient discipline to improve and elevate his consciousness can ensure that the anticipated Golden Age will manifest.
Published in the Phoenix Liberator was an article sent in by a teenager unknown to his parents who worked for the secret government on these weapons (and who subscribed to the newspaper). The youngster knew about the photon belt and the threat of blindness, and his parents made him carry at all times the protective goggles and keep them by his bedside when asleep.
The photon-belt encounter will play a significant role in the (biblical) Transformation of man. The term "Christus" apparently expresses the Second Coming of Christ. (Christ is a state of being/consciousness--some ETs refer to it as the "Christ office". Jesus was the Christ in that he could attune to this state.) There will be a rebirthing of planet Earth. We are told it will divide; each part retaining wholeness though, producing a 3rd density (frequency density) Earth and a 4th density Earth. This will not be perceived physically; the planets will be in different dimensions. One will be in a parallel universe relative to the other.
(Note that serious books on physics cover parallel-universe theories -- there is nothing particular weird or new about this. It has been channelled that we sometimes move into parallel-universe planes and back, which are usually virtually identical. A further example is that an advanced civilization exists in the center of the Earth but this particular civilization is in a parallel plane which is reached by entering "electromagnetic" corridors near the openings at the poles and certain other regions.) Possibly the only sad event will be that some families will be split up by the natural spiritual selection of the photon-belt encounter. Some individuals will go with the more evolved Earth, referred to as 4th density, and others with the 3rd density Earth, which could permanently separate their evolution by several thousands of years (in rare instances one person taking the more evolved path may suspend progress to wait for the other).
Now the photon-belt cycle is synchronised with the end of a number of greater cycles, for example, 225 million year Great Cycle of our galaxy through the universe, the 26,000 year cycle of our solar system through the galaxy, and 104,000 years (a prominent evolutionary peak of four cycles of 26,000 years), culminating in a harmonic convergence at about the time of the encounter, 2012. It is also recognized that this point in time coincides with the universe reaching its maximum point of expansion. Synchronization of such nodes would be expected to open up the dimensional strata for the influx of new energy and the subsequent changes. [See "2010-2012 Big Shift Unveiled" - CR]
The photon cloud has a high density of electrons and positrons (positive, anti-electrons). When an electron and a positron collide they are annihilated and the mass is converted into energy radiation--photons. However, the presence of these positrons have been predicted to interfere with electricity, which is due to the flow of electrons. It has been indicated that before this event occurs it would be possible to redesign the present polarity system, giving a reversal of our polarity to compensate for this problem (we haven't noticed any effect yet!).
However, the photon energy as a result of the collision of electrons and positrons will become a major source of free energy (and at this time the NWO will be unable to suppress its use). Psychological characteristics of entering the belt are the effect of uprooting hidden, secret, or withheld material, bringing it to the surface for transmutation. This means psychological and physical disease patterns will be forced to the surface, that is, the conscious mind. This will give tremendous opportunity to make advancements but also where there is too much to handle will cause illness, depressions, disease and death.
According to channelled information, the Galactic Federation will be aiding our transition during this photon-belt event. It is stated that they altered (years ago) the basic polarity of the Sun to allow it to maintain the integrity of the Sun's planetary system. However, at a later time NASA's space probe Ulysses detected that the magnetic field of the Sun now no longer has a north and south pole! The Sun's magnetic field was found to have changed dramatically into a homogeneous field. No scientific explanation was given, and of course it has been withheld from the public. Furthermore, the SOHO satellite more recently revealed that the Sun responded abnormally to the impact of cosmic bodies causing an eruption of some 30 to 35 solar flares, which is unprecedented.The photon-belt encounter is intended to be a positive experience, but only man with sufficient discipline to improve and elevate his consciousness can ensure that the anticipated Golden Age will manifest.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Mother Earth is in pain. We polluted Mother Earth to the limit. Mother Earth already began self-purification process. That's why dreadful natural disasters are common these days. We need to apologize and console Mother Earth by changing our mind and attitude to the nature. There are small things we can do to console Mother Earth and save us.
Let's listen to what Mother Earth says;
“In order to change the world in large, many people need to make efforts at the same time. Even if it is just a small action. When many people participate in it, this will bring about a great change. Like you do not use disposable products, produce less garbage, grow a tree sincerely and so on. Whatever it is put one thing for the earth into practice every day and become awakened. I want you to become like that. As the power of human thinking is larger than you think, when more and more people think that way, then my activity to purify myself will change too. A change in a human mind and a small change in a human action console me deeply then I will probably change my mind-to live with you together. Show me such efforts.”
Here are the 7 Small Actions we can take to save Earth and ourselves.
1. Give warm greetings to nature, your fellow neighbors and yourself.
Try to expand the waves of happiness to those around you by sharing a pure, warm and bright greeting. Haven’t you ever become cheerful by being next to someone who is really happy? If you can make the world lighter through your bright greeting, the entire world will realize the miracle of becoming lighter.
2. Don’t indulge in meat.
Through being a vegetarian, not only can we reduce the agony of animals through the inhumane methods of slaughtering, but we can also stop environmental destruction. We should give the large amounts of grain we are feeding animals to those who are starving from a lack of grains.
3. Try to grow your own vegetables on your own.
Even in the city, if you use the balcony or roof, you can grow lots of vegetables. People call this “urban farming.” The vegetables you grow firsthand have much more nutrients and taste better.
4.Enjoy walking short distances.
While walking, give a welcoming greeting to your neighbors and try to communicate with the trees, flowers, leaves, nature and so on in nature. While walking in the sun, even depression will disappear.
5. Reduce your garbage and if possible try not to let it go out of your house.
Once you purchase something, try to use it for a very long time. Just to make that item, and with all of the garbage thrown away, we create enormous harm to nature.
6. Live in a small house and save water and electricity.
A big house not only intrudes on nature, it also is not desirable in the point of view of energy reduction. Reduce your use of electronic items to the minimum and try to live simply.
7. Help those who are suffering and pray for them.
We have to be open and share the great pains of those who have suffered, in their lives. That they have suffered calamities without knowing the reason why is the sadness of all humans.
What will happen in America?
Be prepared. This year and 2012, America will be bombarded with natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires and hurricanes. Also, in winter, people will experience dreadful chill.
There are many forecasts regarding natural disasters to come to the US such as mega-scale volcanic eruption, tsunamis, earthquakes. What kinds of disasters will hit the US in 2011?
In 2011, earthquakes will cause huge structural damages to the eastern coast, and many people will be injured or die. Flooding and tornados will wipe away many crops in the Midwest, and fires will burn on and on in the dry west. 2011 is not the year when they will have huge volcanic eruption, but volcanoes are accumulating liquefied energy and in the near future they will erupt.
On the East Coast an earthquake will be along the Boston to Washington stretch.
-Are the nuclear reactors in America safe?
=They are not. They are still trying to avoid the lessons from the nuclear fall-out in Japan. It’s time to close down the power plants. The coming earthquakes, which will be followed by tsunamis, will rupture parts of the nuclear reactors. It’s best to try to close them down now. The entire power grid system of America will be shut down by natural disasters.
-What about the southeast of America?=Tremendous hurricanes will hit Florida and all the states in this region, along with powerful rain storms in the south of America. Due to the logging and denuding of the trees in the Ozark and Appalachian Mountains, top soil has been removed and dangerous landslides will occur.
Fires in the West:
Forest fires are very hard to control in the dry, desert parts of the West. Will we see ranging fires as well?
=We will see these. They will go out of control and get closer to the cities. They will be handled, but there will be little rain this year in California, so the parched land will be ripe for fires. But we can also see rain storms that can cause flooding. There are no easy solutions for humans.
-Schools of fish, seals and birds appear in mass-suicides almost every day in America. Why is this?=It’s telling you to wake up to the condition of the earth and to make a change in your policies and behavior, which will hopefully reduce the size of the natural disasters to come.
What can we expect from 2012?
In terms of national disasters, we will see the severe storms, like hurricanes attack the coastal areas, wiping out huge tracks of homes. Similar to Hurricane Katrina, major coastal cities will be flooded out. Peak Oil will set in, and we will see the energy grids affected. Power outages will be longer and sustained. Towards the end of 2012, there will be the rumblings of volcanic activity in Montana and Washington states. Volnaic ashes will cover the sky line like the dinosaur age. Cold winds from Canada and a min-ice age will last for a few years.
These disasters are not set in stone?
Natural disasters are set to come, but their magnitude will depend on the awakening of the American people and the government. It is up to you to now put in policies to protect nature, its rivers, forest and its animals. The injustice against nature and its animals is an injustice against the Universe itself.
“Dying Messages” of Animals
“Dying Messages” of Animals
This year began with news about the ‘dying messages’ of animals all over the world.
Mysterious mass deaths of animals are occurring one after another all across the world such as America, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.
One of the most recent incidents is the one where about 5,000 dead red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas. Imagine dead birds scattered thickly on the ground in a residential area of 500m to1km radius. What a terrible incident! A few days after that incident, in a nearby area, many fish also died en masse.
The most shocking mass disappearance is that of the honeybee. CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) started in America and Europe a few years ago and 90% of native bees died in Korea in 2010. The honeybee has just half the number of genes that take charge of detoxification and the immune system, compared with other insects. So bees have little power to prevent pathogens from trespassing, and they can only live in clean areas. In the same way that canaries can inform us about the level of air pollution, bees play the role of informing us about the level of environmental pollution. Honeybees, which pollinate flowers and let plant species flourish, are disappearing en masse because the pollution of Earth is exceeding its limit. If honeybees disappear, plants cannot bear fruits any more. So, Einstein said, “If bees disappear, mankind will be extinct within four years.”
Did you see the picture of a group of whales’ corpses lying on the beach in a row? If you have seen it, it’s hard to forget the shock. In the way that whales committed mass suicide at the beach of Tasmania island, Australia in 2008 and 2009, tens of whales -- at least 2to 3 hundred -- have died en masse several times now. They’ve lain on the beach as if they were holding demonstrations against human beings.
There has also been an incident where thousands of earthworms wriggled up onto the road and died en masse. Thousands or tens of thousands of all kinds of animals such as penguins, sardines, blue crabs, bats, and so on are dying en masse. These are just the discoveries that human beings have made, but how many of them are dying or what kind of animal is dying in a blind corner even right now, nobody knows.
Are we going to overlook these ‘dying messages’ of animals which started in earnest from the year 2000, regarding them as just one of the natural phenomena unrelated to human beings? Humankind is standing at the crossroads of choice now as to the decision and measure of action.
Among the members of meditation school Suseonjae, there are those who have come to commune with nature, plants and animals , etc. as their meditation is deepened. The process is to enter a silent meditation state, and to recall a target with the mind that loves animals, and then to read their minds through waves. All creations in the Universe have their own waves, and thus, conversation comes to be possible if you can tune your waves to the waves of the one you wish to converse with.
Below is the plea of a whale regarding the deaths of a herd of whales.
“Typhoons and tidal waves occur frequently since the temperature of the sea has risen. They will sweep the Earth more frequently from now on. We’ve run out of food as humans who have physical power have captured too much krill. When the frequency of typhoons and tidal waves increases and tidal current grows stronger, we often starve since the food is scattered as a result.
Pollution is increasing because many accidents have happened in the deep oceans during offshore oil drilling, and oils have been sprayed into the ocean. Currently, the pollution of the oceans is spreading due to the brutality of the corporations of developed countries. Pollution of the oceans is spreading so quickly that creatures cannot breathe. Though the ocean looks silent and beautiful in appearance, the clamor of sea residents is audible. The planet Earth now wants to give notice about its emergency situation.”
In the case of the blackbirds, according to one of the conversations with nature, the details of the accident are as follows. Their secret method and sense of touch to adapt their environment were damaged and paralyzed due to the environmental pollution. They chose wrong routes of their movement because of that, and then were surprised at the flares of humans’ fireworks and enormous blasts. The rules and order of the group were broken down and they crashed into buildings, chimneys, trees, etc. while flying low or dropping suddenly.
How should we interpret the continuous ‘dying messages’ from animals? Could they possibly reach human beings soon?
Every animal unanimously says that Earth is a planet where we live together; in other words, a place where humans, plants and animals should live in harmony. They say that if humans harm nature and pollute the environment as they do now, thinking that the world is just for humans, the Earth will become a place where no creatures, including humans, can live.
I feel very sorry for animals that alert us of an emergency through their mass deaths, and sends genuine words of comfort. I hope earnestly that their ‘dying messages’ will be transformed into ‘hope messages’ to save humankind and all that live on the Earth, where we are all family.
Mysterious mass deaths of animals are occurring one after another all across the world such as America, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.
One of the most recent incidents is the one where about 5,000 dead red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas. Imagine dead birds scattered thickly on the ground in a residential area of 500m to1km radius. What a terrible incident! A few days after that incident, in a nearby area, many fish also died en masse.
Also, recently, mass death of sardines occurred in the King Harbor Marina on the Los Angeles County coast. An estimated one million sardines apparently depleted the water of oxygen and suffocated after getting lost in the marina, according to the officials.
The mass deaths of animals like these incidents are accelerating year after year. The kinds of animals are becoming more varied and the frequency of incidents is also increasing.The most shocking mass disappearance is that of the honeybee. CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) started in America and Europe a few years ago and 90% of native bees died in Korea in 2010. The honeybee has just half the number of genes that take charge of detoxification and the immune system, compared with other insects. So bees have little power to prevent pathogens from trespassing, and they can only live in clean areas. In the same way that canaries can inform us about the level of air pollution, bees play the role of informing us about the level of environmental pollution. Honeybees, which pollinate flowers and let plant species flourish, are disappearing en masse because the pollution of Earth is exceeding its limit. If honeybees disappear, plants cannot bear fruits any more. So, Einstein said, “If bees disappear, mankind will be extinct within four years.”
Did you see the picture of a group of whales’ corpses lying on the beach in a row? If you have seen it, it’s hard to forget the shock. In the way that whales committed mass suicide at the beach of Tasmania island, Australia in 2008 and 2009, tens of whales -- at least 2to 3 hundred -- have died en masse several times now. They’ve lain on the beach as if they were holding demonstrations against human beings.
There has also been an incident where thousands of earthworms wriggled up onto the road and died en masse. Thousands or tens of thousands of all kinds of animals such as penguins, sardines, blue crabs, bats, and so on are dying en masse. These are just the discoveries that human beings have made, but how many of them are dying or what kind of animal is dying in a blind corner even right now, nobody knows.
Are we going to overlook these ‘dying messages’ of animals which started in earnest from the year 2000, regarding them as just one of the natural phenomena unrelated to human beings? Humankind is standing at the crossroads of choice now as to the decision and measure of action.
Among the members of meditation school Suseonjae, there are those who have come to commune with nature, plants and animals , etc. as their meditation is deepened. The process is to enter a silent meditation state, and to recall a target with the mind that loves animals, and then to read their minds through waves. All creations in the Universe have their own waves, and thus, conversation comes to be possible if you can tune your waves to the waves of the one you wish to converse with.
Below is the plea of a whale regarding the deaths of a herd of whales.
In the case of the blackbirds, according to one of the conversations with nature, the details of the accident are as follows. Their secret method and sense of touch to adapt their environment were damaged and paralyzed due to the environmental pollution. They chose wrong routes of their movement because of that, and then were surprised at the flares of humans’ fireworks and enormous blasts. The rules and order of the group were broken down and they crashed into buildings, chimneys, trees, etc. while flying low or dropping suddenly.
How should we interpret the continuous ‘dying messages’ from animals? Could they possibly reach human beings soon?
Every animal unanimously says that Earth is a planet where we live together; in other words, a place where humans, plants and animals should live in harmony. They say that if humans harm nature and pollute the environment as they do now, thinking that the world is just for humans, the Earth will become a place where no creatures, including humans, can live.
I feel very sorry for animals that alert us of an emergency through their mass deaths, and sends genuine words of comfort. I hope earnestly that their ‘dying messages’ will be transformed into ‘hope messages’ to save humankind and all that live on the Earth, where we are all family.
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