“Dying Messages” of Animals
This year began with news about the ‘dying messages’ of animals all over the world.
Mysterious mass deaths of animals are occurring one after another all across the world such as America, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.
One of the most recent incidents is the one where about 5,000 dead red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas. Imagine dead birds scattered thickly on the ground in a residential area of 500m to1km radius. What a terrible incident! A few days after that incident, in a nearby area, many fish also died en masse.
The most shocking mass disappearance is that of the honeybee. CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) started in America and Europe a few years ago and 90% of native bees died in Korea in 2010. The honeybee has just half the number of genes that take charge of detoxification and the immune system, compared with other insects. So bees have little power to prevent pathogens from trespassing, and they can only live in clean areas. In the same way that canaries can inform us about the level of air pollution, bees play the role of informing us about the level of environmental pollution. Honeybees, which pollinate flowers and let plant species flourish, are disappearing en masse because the pollution of Earth is exceeding its limit. If honeybees disappear, plants cannot bear fruits any more. So, Einstein said, “If bees disappear, mankind will be extinct within four years.”
Did you see the picture of a group of whales’ corpses lying on the beach in a row? If you have seen it, it’s hard to forget the shock. In the way that whales committed mass suicide at the beach of Tasmania island, Australia in 2008 and 2009, tens of whales -- at least 2to 3 hundred -- have died en masse several times now. They’ve lain on the beach as if they were holding demonstrations against human beings.
There has also been an incident where thousands of earthworms wriggled up onto the road and died en masse. Thousands or tens of thousands of all kinds of animals such as penguins, sardines, blue crabs, bats, and so on are dying en masse. These are just the discoveries that human beings have made, but how many of them are dying or what kind of animal is dying in a blind corner even right now, nobody knows.
Are we going to overlook these ‘dying messages’ of animals which started in earnest from the year 2000, regarding them as just one of the natural phenomena unrelated to human beings? Humankind is standing at the crossroads of choice now as to the decision and measure of action.
Among the members of meditation school Suseonjae, there are those who have come to commune with nature, plants and animals , etc. as their meditation is deepened. The process is to enter a silent meditation state, and to recall a target with the mind that loves animals, and then to read their minds through waves. All creations in the Universe have their own waves, and thus, conversation comes to be possible if you can tune your waves to the waves of the one you wish to converse with.
Below is the plea of a whale regarding the deaths of a herd of whales.
“Typhoons and tidal waves occur frequently since the temperature of the sea has risen. They will sweep the Earth more frequently from now on. We’ve run out of food as humans who have physical power have captured too much krill. When the frequency of typhoons and tidal waves increases and tidal current grows stronger, we often starve since the food is scattered as a result.
Pollution is increasing because many accidents have happened in the deep oceans during offshore oil drilling, and oils have been sprayed into the ocean. Currently, the pollution of the oceans is spreading due to the brutality of the corporations of developed countries. Pollution of the oceans is spreading so quickly that creatures cannot breathe. Though the ocean looks silent and beautiful in appearance, the clamor of sea residents is audible. The planet Earth now wants to give notice about its emergency situation.”
In the case of the blackbirds, according to one of the conversations with nature, the details of the accident are as follows. Their secret method and sense of touch to adapt their environment were damaged and paralyzed due to the environmental pollution. They chose wrong routes of their movement because of that, and then were surprised at the flares of humans’ fireworks and enormous blasts. The rules and order of the group were broken down and they crashed into buildings, chimneys, trees, etc. while flying low or dropping suddenly.
How should we interpret the continuous ‘dying messages’ from animals? Could they possibly reach human beings soon?
Every animal unanimously says that Earth is a planet where we live together; in other words, a place where humans, plants and animals should live in harmony. They say that if humans harm nature and pollute the environment as they do now, thinking that the world is just for humans, the Earth will become a place where no creatures, including humans, can live.
I feel very sorry for animals that alert us of an emergency through their mass deaths, and sends genuine words of comfort. I hope earnestly that their ‘dying messages’ will be transformed into ‘hope messages’ to save humankind and all that live on the Earth, where we are all family.
Mysterious mass deaths of animals are occurring one after another all across the world such as America, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.
One of the most recent incidents is the one where about 5,000 dead red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas. Imagine dead birds scattered thickly on the ground in a residential area of 500m to1km radius. What a terrible incident! A few days after that incident, in a nearby area, many fish also died en masse.
Also, recently, mass death of sardines occurred in the King Harbor Marina on the Los Angeles County coast. An estimated one million sardines apparently depleted the water of oxygen and suffocated after getting lost in the marina, according to the officials.
The mass deaths of animals like these incidents are accelerating year after year. The kinds of animals are becoming more varied and the frequency of incidents is also increasing.The most shocking mass disappearance is that of the honeybee. CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) started in America and Europe a few years ago and 90% of native bees died in Korea in 2010. The honeybee has just half the number of genes that take charge of detoxification and the immune system, compared with other insects. So bees have little power to prevent pathogens from trespassing, and they can only live in clean areas. In the same way that canaries can inform us about the level of air pollution, bees play the role of informing us about the level of environmental pollution. Honeybees, which pollinate flowers and let plant species flourish, are disappearing en masse because the pollution of Earth is exceeding its limit. If honeybees disappear, plants cannot bear fruits any more. So, Einstein said, “If bees disappear, mankind will be extinct within four years.”
Did you see the picture of a group of whales’ corpses lying on the beach in a row? If you have seen it, it’s hard to forget the shock. In the way that whales committed mass suicide at the beach of Tasmania island, Australia in 2008 and 2009, tens of whales -- at least 2to 3 hundred -- have died en masse several times now. They’ve lain on the beach as if they were holding demonstrations against human beings.
There has also been an incident where thousands of earthworms wriggled up onto the road and died en masse. Thousands or tens of thousands of all kinds of animals such as penguins, sardines, blue crabs, bats, and so on are dying en masse. These are just the discoveries that human beings have made, but how many of them are dying or what kind of animal is dying in a blind corner even right now, nobody knows.
Are we going to overlook these ‘dying messages’ of animals which started in earnest from the year 2000, regarding them as just one of the natural phenomena unrelated to human beings? Humankind is standing at the crossroads of choice now as to the decision and measure of action.
Among the members of meditation school Suseonjae, there are those who have come to commune with nature, plants and animals , etc. as their meditation is deepened. The process is to enter a silent meditation state, and to recall a target with the mind that loves animals, and then to read their minds through waves. All creations in the Universe have their own waves, and thus, conversation comes to be possible if you can tune your waves to the waves of the one you wish to converse with.
Below is the plea of a whale regarding the deaths of a herd of whales.
In the case of the blackbirds, according to one of the conversations with nature, the details of the accident are as follows. Their secret method and sense of touch to adapt their environment were damaged and paralyzed due to the environmental pollution. They chose wrong routes of their movement because of that, and then were surprised at the flares of humans’ fireworks and enormous blasts. The rules and order of the group were broken down and they crashed into buildings, chimneys, trees, etc. while flying low or dropping suddenly.
How should we interpret the continuous ‘dying messages’ from animals? Could they possibly reach human beings soon?
Every animal unanimously says that Earth is a planet where we live together; in other words, a place where humans, plants and animals should live in harmony. They say that if humans harm nature and pollute the environment as they do now, thinking that the world is just for humans, the Earth will become a place where no creatures, including humans, can live.
I feel very sorry for animals that alert us of an emergency through their mass deaths, and sends genuine words of comfort. I hope earnestly that their ‘dying messages’ will be transformed into ‘hope messages’ to save humankind and all that live on the Earth, where we are all family.
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