Things to Do

Mother Earth is in pain. We polluted Mother Earth to the limit. Mother Earth already began self-purification process. That's why dreadful natural disasters are common these days. We need to apologize and console Mother Earth by changing our mind and attitude to the nature. There are small things we can do to console Mother Earth and save us.

Let's listen to what Mother Earth says;

“In order to change the world in large, many people need to make efforts at the same time. Even if it is just a small action. When many people participate in it, this will bring about a great change. Like you do not use disposable products, produce less garbage, grow a tree sincerely and so on. Whatever it is put one thing for the earth into practice every day and become awakened. I want you to become like that.
As the power of human thinking is larger than you think, when more and more people think that way, then my activity to purify myself will change too. A change in a human mind and a small change in a human action console me deeply then I will probably change my mind-to live with you together. Show me such efforts.”

Small Actions to save Earth.

1. Give warm greetings to nature, your fellow neighbors and yourself.
Try to expand the waves of happiness to those around you by sharing a pure, warm and bright greeting. Haven’t you ever become cheerful by being next to someone who is really happy? If you can make the world lighter through your bright greeting, the entire world will realize the miracle of becoming lighter.

2. Don’t indulge in meat.
Through being a vegetarian, not only can we reduce the agony of animals through the inhumane methods of slaughtering, but we can also stop environmental destruction. We should give the large amounts of grain we are feeding animals to those who are starving from a lack of grains.

3. Try to grow your own vegetables on your own.
Even in the city, if you use the balcony or roof, you can grow lots of vegetables. People call this “urban farming.” The vegetables you grow firsthand have much more nutrients and taste better.

4.Enjoy walking short distances.

While walking, give a welcoming greeting to your neighbors and try to communicate with the trees, flowers, leaves, nature and so on in nature. While walking in the sun, even depression will disappear.

5. Reduce your garbage and if possible try not to let it go out of your house.

Once you purchase something, try to use it for a very long time. Just to make that item, and with all of the garbage thrown away, we create enormous harm to nature.

6. Live in a small house and save water and electricity.
A big house not only intrudes on nature, it also is not desirable in the point of view of energy reduction. Reduce your use of electronic items to the minimum and try to live simply.

7. Help those who are suffering and pray for them.
We have to be open and share the great pains of those who have suffered, in their lives. That they have suffered calamities without knowing the reason why is the sadness of all humans.

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